amanda cross divider cross divider
pixel doll hello kitty
ad of nokia phone
about in glitter text

       .·:*¨༺✧*̥♡˚ ♱ Neokia (2022)♱ ˚♡*̥˚✧༻¨*:·.

 Inspired by the opimistic outlook on the future of technology in y2k that prompted a sleek cyber aesthetic, I created this fake ad from sensing a sentiment for this time. Seeing an ad for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance tribal edition made me think about when electronics had different skins with exciting designs, instead of something blank waiting for a case. With the return of new and improved flip phones, I combined the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip with the tribal aesthetic, and modeled the ad design after Nokia.
  This design began digitally and was printed with two different methods. One was printed on the risograph using black, teal, and purple on 11 x 17 paper. The other was offset printed with black, pantone 7452, and a metallic gold and silver roll on 16 x 24 cover.

gameboy tribal
self portrait
statement in glitter text

 My work is an exploration and indulgence of y2k culture. From revisiting repressed memories and desires growing up, to pushing the aesthetic of what made this time unique.
       *:・♡(ミ ᵕ̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣ ミ)ノ*:・
 My work uses both digital and printed media in art and design. The use of risograph printing to produce grainy and halftone textures gives a satisfying and hazy finish to whatever I design and draw. I love experimenting with artist books and book structures to explore different narratives.

cross divider cross divider
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